Position: Milieu Supervisor
What led you to your current position? o This position honestly kind of just fell into my lap at the right time. For so long I didn’t really have a plan for my career but knew that I needed to at least gain some work experience – and that was the mindset that I had. I worked as an MHC at the elementary level and after a year I started floating to other sites within my program with older age groups. Still wanting to gain some experience and explore different environments to work in with youth, I started taking shifts at some of the NPS’s, Willow Rock & the Petaluma Compass program and was able to gain a lot of knowledge. I think the missing piece for me was feeling comfortable, confident, and capable in holding a leadership position. I really took advantage of my supervisions and voiced my personal development goals, as well as had the support of the MHCs and the clinician at my school site to strive for more. So with everyone’s feedback, I participated in the Lead-In series, began the process to become an Equilibrium & Suicide and Prevention Trainer, as well as now holding a spot on the Leadership Council. In the short answer, I just continuously wanted to become a better “counselor”. I was determined to not be stagnant within my position, so I took advantage of all of the available opportunities for personal and professional growth.
What inspires you to do this work? o I think about my younger self and the friends I grew up with and how much we all could have benefited from extra support and love from adults. So my hope is to help the kids out there, the way that I would have wanted to be helped. I know there’s so much un-tapped potential in our youth, and just helping them discover that is what motivates me.
What is a recent highlight you’ve experienced in the work or an important lesson you’ve learned in this role? o An important lesson that I’ve learned in this role is that time management is key. I think I get so caught up in this work that I forget to enjoy time when I’m off. So I’m currently learning how to spoil myself more often.
Share your life motto or something unique about yourself: o Not really a life motto, but my favorite quote that pushes me daily: “Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of, who do the things that no one can imagine.”