The celebrations don’t stop with the numbers though. What parents and caregivers have to say in their own words about out services is also extremely important and informative. In the coming weeks, you will be seeing your school and cluster specific reports and be able to hear both the glowing things parents have to say about you all, and get a chance to review areas of growth offered directly from parents and caregivers. In the meantime, here are a few quotes to wrap up your week your week:
“First of all, I want to thank them for offering support. I want to thank the Seneca organization for sending me materials so that my daughter can learn. At this moment, the situation is difficult, and you give me help by giving her materials. Gift boxes arriving and these things last for weeks. My daughter loves this very much. She knows that Seneca sends them, she gets very excited for all the gifts and materials. There are angels in the sky looking out to support us.”
“They gave a lot of help, especially during the times of the pandemic. It was very difficult for us parents to have our children at home at all times, but Seneca gave a lot of support.”
“Despite it being all online, I see that everyone is trying really hard to see student progress. I am very happy with that and I see that they all work well as a team.”
“Our counselor is amazing and not only provides help with her but with me too!”
“I like Seneca, they are very organized, the staff are knowledgeable. I've worked with Seneca for several of my kids. It can't get any better than Seneca. You guys are #1.”
“I think it's been a great help. It's helped (my child) in a lot of areas academically and she's been more open to trying to do the schoolwork instead of not doing it at all or thinking she can't do it. She's more open to trying first rather than giving up.”
They are doing a great job. I appreciate them, especially the support they give moms that have kids with a disability. I really appreciate the support, we are grateful.”
"Despite the circumstances of being at home, the services they provide are helping my child a lot. Therapy every week is consistent. They are doing a great job, I am very grateful for their help.”
“I can't say enough good things about them. I loved the therapist and their services. They not only helped my grandson but my family as well.”
“This year has been hard with covid, but I do see that my child gets excited when they see the Speech & Language provider. I think they like their class, I can tell when I pass by that the class seems interesting.”