Position: Clinical Intervention Specialist
What led you to your current position: I don’t feel as though I was led to this position, it was more like a calling. Growing up as a system impacted youth, I experienced and witnessed many flaws, wrongdoings and downright injustices towards youth that were impacted with mental health symptoms. Oftentimes, the treatment and care that was provided was insensitive, uncaring, and mundane. As I navigated my way through these systems, with the support of providers that really showed up for me, I was able to beat all odds and statistics that were “predestined” for me. I know firsthand how having access to quality mental health services, genuine care, and commitment, children and youth life trajectories can be altered. So here I am, doing the work!
What inspires you to do this work: The resilience of the community that I serve. The resiliency in the children and families that I am privileged to work with. They have taught me so much about this work, far greater than I could have learned in any graduate program. My kiddos are amazing!
What is a recent highlight you’ve experienced in the work or an important lesson you’ve learned in this role: This is my fourth year at my school site, and several students have been on my caseload for most of that time. Therapeutic rapport and trust have been solidified in relationship with these kiddos and their caregivers and as result, I have been able to really get to the heart of issues that brought them to services. I have so many rich, hearty and “aha” moments during sessions this school year. Without the prior work and time of building and strengthening trust in the relationship, these moments would not have occurred. Never underestimate the power of the therapeutic relationship.
Share your life motto or something unique about yourself: This too shall pass! No matter how grim the circumstances may look, as long as there is breath in the body and a willingness to change, hope is possible and obtainable.