Opened in 2010, Ararat serves 338 students, TK through 5th grade, with a mission “to educate students to their maximum potential in an environment that actively engages students in rigorous and relevant programs, promotes academic excellence and values cultural and linguistic diversity, and creative expression.” Ararat is the first school(!) to teach both Armenian and Spanish to all its students. Cultural awareness and understanding, as well as the six pillars of character are taught, emphasized, and valued at Ararat Charter School.
Seneca’s Unconditional Education partnership with Ararat is funded through the California Department of Education’s California Community Schools Partnership Program. After facilitating group supervision for Ararat’s special education aides two years ago, Seneca partnered with Ararat’s principal last year to write the grant that will fund our partnership at least through the 2027-28 school year. Our UE Coach, Marc Sahara, has been busy this fall semester, partnering with Ararat’s team to introduce and launch several new and exciting initiatives. Some of these highlights include:
- Conducting interviews and focus groups with all Ararat staff to hear their perspectives on school culture and climate, systems of student supports, and staff practices for responding to challenging behaviors
- Facilitating the Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Tiered Fidelity Inventory and Trauma-Informed Index with Ararat’s PBIS team, to self-assess the school’s systems of positive behavioral support and develop an action plan to improve them
- Administering school climate surveys to all staff, students, and parents/caregivers (with responses from 248 families!) to inform Ararat’s culture and climate goals
- Founding and launching Ararat’s Culture and Climate Committee (C3) to collaboratively plan and improve on the priorities identified in the fall assessment
- Launching Ararat’s COSST (Coordination of Student Supports Team) to identify students in need of additional support and develop responsive and individualized intervention plans
- Facilitating Ararat’s Student Council to develop student leadership and incorporate student voice in school decision-making
- Providing valuable direct support for several high-need students and classrooms
We are thankful to have found a school leadership team and community so aligned to Seneca’s values and the goals of UE, as well as sustainable funding for a full four-year arc of partnership. We truly see the work this fall as the foundation for years of partnership to come and are looking forward to the work ahead!