While at CDS, the staff provide a nurturing environment where students receive academic and behavioral supports, as well as develop a strong sense of community. Through our behavioral phase system, eligible students are able to receive special monthly lunches, attend monthly field trips, and participate in student store twice a month. The entire campus community also participates in monthly cultural lunches, where students learn about other cultures and experience food from those cultures.
CDS is a small, intimate campus nestled in the Oakland hills. The serene environment, combined with smaller class sizes and a variety of staff supports, help students to focus on achieving individualized behavioral and academic goals, and prepare for their readmission hearing. At the readmission hearing, school staff discuss the student’s progress and either recommend that the student be readmitted to a mainstream school or remain at CDS to continue work on specific goals. The ultimate goal for students at CDS is to be readmitted. This past December, CDS had 12 students readmitted, which is the largest number of readmissions the campus has ever seen.