In fact if we include all the SOAPS school sites in our tally, our HIS team is 4 people now--Laura Hernandez and Megan Braddock watch over the SOAPS school sites, and are an incredible duo as well. We’ll lift them up in a future blog highlight!
Claudia and Shar have been guiding our All In documentation ship for 3+years. In that time and with their willingness to learn new systems and requirements they have helped us expand into four counties, counties where our All In Clinical Intervention Specialists provide school-based individual therapy for almost 200 students (so far, this year) and additional services for hundreds more. Each week Robyn Ganeles, Jasmine Casil and I have the pleasure of meeting with this team to hear about their work and to problem-solve/plan together for the next big thing. Their humor, flexibility and curiosity makes them a winning pair and it is one of my favorite meetings of the week.
Did you know that in addition to being a Lead HIS: Shar co-facilitates a development group for other health information specialists, and is studying to be an occupational therapist!
Did you know that in addition to ALSO being a Lead HIS (CONGRATULATIONS!) Claudia has traveled with family to El Salvador and Machu Picchu in Peru over the last year!
Please read on in this week’s blog to learn a bit more about this fantastic duo.