The winter months can be filled with cold, dreary days, impatient students, and some pesky germs. Aside from the cooped up, impatient children, and germs that you just can't seem to get out of your rooms, you notice your students are having that mid-year slump and are bored with your lessons already and so are you. So, what can you do about it, A LOT! Before and after winter break, many educators feel the wrath of the mid-year burnout. There is no denying that being in education is a stressful job, so being able to deal with your stress is extremely important in order to continue the school year. Educators cannot feed into the doom and gloom but must find a way to forge ahead, looking at the big picture instead of the little things that can get us down. Here are some quick and basic ways to combat educator burnout:
- Take a daily brain break
- Mindful meditation exercises
- Celebrate the 100th day of school
- Make learning fun
And…if you’re looking for more motivation, check out this great article on perseverance and grit!!! Educators Need Grit Too!