80% agreed that Seneca Staff were skillful and knowledgeable in their work with their child
78% felt well informed about what their child was working on and how they were progressing
82% felt that with Seneca services, they were supported in meeting the needs of their child
79% felt their child made progress as a result of their work with Seneca
Our program goal is to have 80% of parents agree with these statements. As the data demonstrates, we have hit the mark on two of these questions and have room to improve on our efforts to keep parents well informed about the services their student is receiving and to help parents to understand the progress their student is making. Over the summer, the leadership team will reflect on this feedback and brainstorm programmatic changes that will help us continue to improve in these areas.
In addition to these four questions where we ask for a simple “yes,” “no,” or “I don’t know” response, the survey includes two open ended questions that allow for parents to elaborate on what is going well and where we can do better in supporting their students. Responses help provide insight into the parent’s perspective of success and what is most important to them. Many parents commented on the progress and improvements they have witnessed in their student(s) as a result of the services they have received, and several parents shared appreciation for our communication and collaboration efforts.
Here are some highlights from our open-ended questions:
Student Progress“One of the things is his self-esteem and how he wants to spend more time with his friends. He used to spend a lot of time alone. Now he has more confidence and wants to spend time with his classmates.”
“My daughter stuttered before, and I can tell that she now takes more time to think about what she's going to say, and that's from the speech therapist. I see now that she voices that she's trying to say something if she is getting cut off by somebody. We play games at home, and she tells me how the speech therapist taught her to connect games to her speech.”
They pay attention to him, and talk and listen to him, and see how he is doing. I feel like he is doing well. He comes home calmer and happier, and it's easier to talk with him.
My son can open up more thanks to his therapist and I like the tools she brings in order to engage my child, for example he loves cars and they're building a car in session and that helps him open up to her.
She's more independent on some of her homework. She tries harder. I'm happy with the services that she gets.
“I like how they talk with me at home and how they explain what they're doing. I have a lot better communication with the school now.”
Our commitment to including families as partners in service delivery is felt by many of the parents we spoke to, and their appreciation for the work that you do to support the success of their students shone through in our conversations. While there is always room to grow and improve, we hope that these highlights demonstrate that your efforts at engagement are well received by parents, and that they truly value your partnership. As always, please feel free to email me (or comment below) with any ideas you have on how we can continue to improve our family engagement efforts!