I’m not sure if you know this, but we have expanded our Unconditional Education reach and have partnered with an amazing school in Marin City called Bayside MLK Jr. Academy. Bayside serves about 110 predominantly African American and Latinx students ranging in grades from TK – 8 and is the only public district school in the Sausalito Marin City School District. We are currently in our 2nd year of partnership and we are feeling so proud of what the school has been able to accomplish thus far 😊.
Bayside, a known landmark for Marin City, has faced many changes, systemic and educational oppressions, yet much like the community that surrounds it, they have shown great perseverance and strength in ensuring they always strive to meet the needs of their students and families.
*To read more about the history of Marin City, check out this article Marin City: The Rebirth of a Community.
Our partnership consists of supporting them through the role of our UE Coach, Kelsey Corrales, and it has been invigorating to support their work and witness the many positive changes that they have created. To highlight a few of those changes, I’d like to share that they have:
- Fully implemented PBIS at the tier 1 level, focusing on “Panther PRIDE”: Pride; Respect; Integrity; Determination; Excellence.
- Created a robust and effective Coordination of Services Team “COST.”
- Began making huge strides toward their tier 2 interventions in all strands.
- Engaged staff to create a Culture and Climate Committee “C3” which uses data to identify goals and objectives to improve the overall culture and climate of the school.
- Have undergone several trainings throughout our partnership, supporting in being more trauma-informed and forming ability to more often utilize trauma-informed approaches in their work.