Similar to their mascot, The Unicorns, the school team at CBE is magical and rare. Our Seneca staff at CBE include – Dr. Alivia Kremer (School Psychologist), Mollie Ito-Washington (Occupational Therapist), Abby Hall (Speech Language Pathologist) and Natalie Greben (Speech Language Pathologist Assistant). Our team of specialists work closely with CBE staff to support the school in identifying students with disabilities, conducting evaluations, providing speech and OT therapy, and working alongside the school to ensure scholars receive the services they need. See what a Seneca staff says makes CBE unique:
“Commencement Bay Elementary (CBE) school is unique in that it has teaching teams that allow students to get more individualized attention in the classroom, as well as preparing a new generation of teachers through mentorship and hands on teaching. CBE is growing with the mindset of inclusion and equity for its scholars and families, as well as a willingness to try new avenues and gain perspective from others who work with scholars in a different capacity. “
The Seneca specialists work closely together with the school’s learning specialist (special education case manager) to approach situations as a multi-disciplinary team. The learning specialists, Seneca specialists, Seneca partnership manager and Impact’s special education administrator meet bi-weekly to discuss scholars, processes and systems, and problem solve together as a team. Read what a Seneca specialist says about the team at CBE:
“At CBE, the case manager is quick to include the whole team when a scholar needs extra support including the scholar’s classroom teacher, paraprofessional when applicable, the principal, any specialists on the team, and parents when they are willing and available. Every member of the team contributes both what they’ve observed and brainstorms solutions together. I feel it is helpful to have all the necessary context and information when making decisions from trying new strategies to recommending further support like an FBA or counseling.”
“When the team works together, scholars get consistent instruction across providers. This makes them feel safer and more in routine, which leads to more space for learning and progress towards goals rather than spending sessions managing behaviors. Teachers’ input informs our treatment decisions and our input informs their teaching. This includes sped teachers and paraprofessionals, too!”
“The multi-disciplinary approach at CBE allows for more comprehensive conversations and different perspectives from all those who work with a scholar, allowing for the student to be seen more as whole, thus creating more well-rounded support. The team members demonstrate great passion for seeing and meeting the needs of all scholars, allowing us to be able to see where the gaps and strengths are and problem solve to make the education experience positive for all scholars and families. “