Students and their families are a part of a community where relationships are nurtured and student growth is a collaborative effort, and their actual vision statement was written by founding families and teachers (they chant it as a whole-school community every morning).
We stand on the shoulders of those who came before us as we grow into leaders, who are passionate and care about making our world better. We are equipped with skills and knowledge, filled with curiosity and we know that even when we face challenges, we will achieve!
Some notable advantages of co-teaching include:
- Increased adult attention to students, since co-taught lessons can reduce the teacher-to-student ratio.
- Shared expertise among two or more teachers.
- Shared responsibility for instruction and management.
- Increased opportunity to differentiate for student needs.
- All students can benefit from the additional supports, resources, and diversity in the classroom.
- Stronger, more creative, lessons due to teachers sharing the planning process with each other.