We invited Kate Kenealy, CIS at Cox Academy, to reflect on what she's noticed about the use of the SES at her school since our first year using it. Kate is one of our earliest users of the SES and has seen the transformation of its use over time.
I have never shared this secret with the teachers at my school, Cox Academy, out of loyalty and solidarity. Every minute of the day, they are tirelessly dedicated to educating our children and every spare second is quickly grabbed up by meetings, grading and lesson planning. Over my 4 years as a Clinical Intervention Specialist at Cox, I have always felt huge guilt about asking them to do one more thing, knowing how full their plates already are. During our first round of the social emotional screener, 2 years ago, I sheepishly put hard copies in teachers’ mailboxes and used every form of positive reinforcement that I had in my arsenal to get them completed. 2 years and several iterations later, Cox just completed the most successful SES roll out yet! Teachers, who are all now experts in google docs, were given 15 minutes in an existing PD to fill out the screener for their classes. Student names were input ahead of time so teachers simply had to reflect on their students and enter numbers. There were no technological challenges (!) and teachers were familiar with the process and rationale for the screener. These small successes are always a helpful reminder of the power of practice, patience and persistence.