Position: Student Support Assistant
What led you to your current position? I have been working with children, adolescents and college students for multiple years now. I have a passion for working with kiddos and students in the education world and wanted to make a bigger impact in children's lives. I have worked with many kiddos dealing with emotional, social, and behavioral concerns and was always curious about how to effectively work with them to help them push through these concerns. So I found Seneca - which is all about mental health and unconditional education and wanted to explore what it was like and how to specifically impact these kiddos lives in the educational system and help them succeed in school.
Fun Fact/Quote: I studied "Adolescence in Europe" and "Child Development and Diversity: Children in a Multicultural Context" in Copenhagen, Denmark where I had opportunities to travel around Europe during my study tours and learn about different school systems, different populations in the schools, and the many lifestyles of the children in different countries.
What does your average day look like? I pick up my kiddo from the bus and bring him to the cafeteria to grab breakfast as a way to start his day healthy and happy. During this time, we have check-ins and create small goals as a way to help client understand his expectations and what he needs to work on for the day. I work mainly with first graders and have one specific kiddo that I'm usually with throughout the day in the classroom, but would go around and help with other kiddos if needed. I support my kiddo with learning how to demonstrate emotional regulation and to replace his risk behaviors with different interventions. Once the kiddos are dismissed from school, I'm in the office or outdoors (if it's a beautiful day) typing up mental health notes, sending daily emails, and inputting data into Apricot as a way to end my day.
Why do you do this work? I have always believed that education is the key to living the dream. Education is one of the most powerful tools anyone can have and no one in the world can take that away from them. I do this work so I can beat the education system that are failing these kiddos for dealing with trauma in a different way!