Position: Behavior Interventions Coach
What led you to your current position? The motivation from my previous supervisor David T. Jones to always push myself because he believed I was capable.
Quote: "The most important thing is to try and inspire people so that they can be great in whatever they want to do." - Kobe Bryant
What does your average day look like? Wake up at 6:30am get dressed and ready for the day. Arrive at work at 8:00am do my routine check ins with admin/counselors. Then make my rounds of observing identified teachers. End of the school day facilitate meeting with admin and staff about plans, struggles, and successes. Leave work at 4:00pm for my hour commute home to Long Beach. Go the gym around 5:30pm get back home at 7:00pm, eat dinner, get clothes out for the next the day, take a shower, watch a show, sleep, and then repeat.
Why do you do this work? My passion has always been children, I have always worked with them in some capacity and I couldn't see myself doing anything else. It's important for me to give back to the ones who have been push to the side or forgotten about.