Position: Clinical Intervention Intern @ Lighthouse Community Charter School
What led you to your current position? Completing my MSW practicum hours and found Seneca/All In! to be in alignment with the work I want to do. I was also drawn to Seneca and All In because of the amazing supports for clinical training.
Fun Fact/Quote? “Like everything in nature, we all have gifts. Sometimes the gifts don’t seem like gifts, the bee that stings, the stinging nettle that irritates your skin. But when we look at our ecosystem in totality it is clear how each piece is necessary for the whole. It’s a reminder to make room for all of us, in all our fiery, stinging glory.” -Karissa Lewis
What does your average day look like? Starting off my day drinking coffee, doing email, and writing notes from the day before, checking in with my wonderful officemates, checking my schedule and making a to-do list for the day, sometimes a meeting or two, and the best part—sessions with clients in our therapy space.
Why do you do this work? I see it as one critical step on the path to collective liberation!