Position: Behavioral Interventions Coach
What led you to your current position? Previously I was living in the Bay Area and working as part of the All-In program in Oakland. My incredibly talented wife received a job offer to be a graphic designer in Southern California so we packed up and moved. After joining the OC All-In team and worked as a BI with their program which is a hybrid of Wrap and UE, I wanted to get back to working in schools full time. Luckily for me, Sean came down with a UE program starting in LA. I love being a part of new programs so I jumped at the chance.
Fun Fact/Quote: I am a black belt in jiu jitsu and teach weekly (when things were actually open).
What does your average day look like? Pre-quarantine I taught/trained jiu jitsu every morning before work. Then I would have a nice long drive to the schools in LA where I was in and out of meetings and classrooms all day. On the weekend my wife and I went surfing.
Why do you do this work? I truly enjoy working alongside school staff. The people in the world of education spend so much time with the kids we work with and do so much of the shaping in their lives. I spent the first half of my time with Seneca working in community based programs (WRAP, TBS, TAY) and it felt like there was a whole part of a kid’s life I had limited access or knowledge around. Working in the school based programs has been the next step in developing my skills and has been a tremendous learning experience.