Position: Student Support Assistant
What led you to your current position? I was led to do the work that I do after I had graduated college and had worked multiple corporate jobs. I had a realization that I really had no passion or drive to do the same mundane work that I felt wasn’t making much difference in my life. In college, I had been passionate about community advocacy work and providing support in lower socioeconomic communities. I had yet to find an opportunity in the Bay Area that had aligned with the work that I had done in New York while in college. I was recommended an opportunity at Seneca by a close friend of mine that I had worked with in the past. After hearing her passion for her work and what her day to day looked like, I became instantly excited to explore more about the opportunity. I really connected with the message that Seneca modeled around with Unconditional Education and the work that they do in the community throughout the years.
Fun Fact/Quote: I love to participate in food eating challenges when the opportunity presents itself.
What does your average day look like? My day comprises of barely being awake in the morning while moving at the speed of a panda to get ready and having coffee to jumpstart my day. My commute to work allows me to catch up on a podcast called The Daily which lets me stay in touch with the current events. I get to work and start the workday with preparing behavior trackers and check ins with the clients. I find time to get in documentation and take self-care breaks/naps spruced in between the day. I often either am on my feet when called for client support or pushing in the classroom during scheduled times. I will try to finish out the workday with documentation, getting ready for meetings or binge eating snacks/candy. After the work shift, I travel to the San Mateo area where I do instructional work for kiddos that play baseball. I’ll often work for another 2-3 hours doing that and get back home around 8pm or 9pm. I eat like a sumo wrestler for dinner and pass out on my bed to start the wonderful journey all over again.
Why do you do this work? I feel as though this work has helped find a purpose in my life and I really do look forward to coming to work every day. I have an amazing team over at Rosemary Elementary and it has been a blessing how amazing my coworkers are. I love that I can continue to provide compassionate and quality support for the clients that I work with every day. Seneca has also motivated me to push more towards advancing my professional development. I’m also thankful to be a part of the USC Embedded Program in the hopes of becoming a clinician for Seneca. I want to continue this passion for my work for many more years to come.