What led you to your current position: When I was younger, I went through a non-profit academic program local to Seattle called Rainier Scholars. As an adult, I found myself returning to the program to volunteer and give back in any way that I could. Luckily enough, through some connections through my peers from this program, I was able to apply for a role working directly for a local charter school in an Operations role for a few years. I kept finding myself want to work more directly with students and began looking at options to possibly enter into a School Counseling role but through my research I learned about the role of a School Psychologist. It easily checked all of the boxes that I had for how I wanted to interact with students and families. I then chose to go to graduate school in order pursue a degree in this field and here I am now!
What inspires you to do this work: The students and families really inspire me to do this work. I have come from a very similar background to many families that I currently serve every day. This paired with me being a local myself really drives me to give back and support the communities that I was and am a part of. Seeing how I can help alleviate stresses that families have and playing a part in ensuring that students can get the help they need while in school is something that I am very passionate about. I see a lot of myself and my experiences in the students and families that I work with and it truly feels like an honor to be able to give back in the way that I do.
What is a recent highlight you’ve experienced in the work or an important lesson you’ve learned in this role: It is actually really hard to think of just one highlight I've experienced. On one end, I always remember the times that parents have reached out to me to express how appreciative they are that I have helped their child or how thankful they are that I am one more advocate or person in their corner. On the other hand, sometimes it really can't get better than when I get to take a "dance break" with a student during formal assessments or when a student gets excited to talk to me about a TV show they watched or book they ready. When I go through my day I often think of my work as the emails, meetings, reports, or really any small to-do items, I can easily see it all as "just my job" but it all adds up to something impactful for those on the other end of it.
Share your life motto or something unique about yourself: One motto that I have been personally living by lately is "take joy where you can find it". For me, it's been a good way to create my own little lighthouse to guide me through each day.