The study was conducted by SRI International. The lead evaluator, who has conducted over forty such evaluations during his career, said that these outcomes are some of the most compelling he has ever seen.
The formal evaluation questions for our i3 grant include:
After one, two, and three year(s) of implementation, compared to similar students in schools that did not participate in UE, did students who attended schools that participated in the UE program demonstrate:

- Students with disabilities showed improvement on 9 of the 13 outcomes, with four of these showing statically significant improvement
- Within the Literacy measures, students showed statistically significant growth on word segmentation, passage comprehension, and two measures of oral reading fluency.
- No outcome measures for school attitudes or self-concept showed statistically significant improvement, although the positive effect sizes associated with social (.17) and overall self-concept (.24) were sizably different from zero.
These outcomes qualify us to apply for a $12 million dollar Investing in Innovations (i3) Validation grant this summer. Keep your fingers crossed!

Jenny Ventura, Director of Model Implementation and Assessment